
About PCP


Preparatory Stage

The expected duration of this Phase is 8 months.

Extensive preparatory steps have already been undertaken under PREVENT CSA. In PREVENT PCP, the preparation stage, focused on translating the shared need into common specifications, elaborating the business-case for each involved buyer and validating the findings with the market through an open market consultation. In addition, the SOTA analysis was updated. The consortium also defined the common evaluation methodology for the PCP tender and for the expected outcomes of the PCP Phases. In this stage, strong involvement of the industry was also ensured through several Open Market Consultation activities.

The Report on the Open Market Consultation is available under this link.

Based on the activities performed in the pre-tendering phase the Call for Tenders was prepared, which was followed by the proposal submissions, evaluation of proposals and the selection of the bidders to be awarded the PCP framework agreement and the PCP phase 1 contract.

All relevant PCP documentation is available on the Download subpage.


Solution Design

During this Phase, the awarded R&D providers are asked to describe their solution providing the complete architecture and design of the solution and verifying the technical, economic and organisational feasibility of their solution approach to address the PCP challenge, taking into account the results of PCP Phase 0.

Emphasis will be given to the design of a cost-effective solution adopting also a design approach that guarantees that the security, ethical and privacy issues are respected. The interoperability of the proposed solution will be also one of the core subjects of the evaluation during the said Phase.

On completion of Phase 1, the R&D providers will each deliver the End of Phase 1 deliverables requested by the Consortium, describing the performed activities and the obtained results of Phase 1, the IPR, ethics, GDPR and security handling and an updated business/commercialisation plan.

The expected duration of this Phase will be 5 months including two weeks for evaluation of the Phase 1 outcomes. The participation in this stage will be comprised by a minimum of 6 contractors.

Prototype Development

PCP Phase 2 will focus on the creation of four prototype platforms from four different sources. Qualified contractors will develop a first prototype based on the design documents delivered in the previous phase and test their solutions in lab conditions. Prototypes will be tested and verified to provide a measure of the technical performance of each solution in a controlled environment and their readiness for a pre-operational deployment.

During Phase 2, the Public Buyers will request from the contractors a series of deliverables in order to evaluate their progress based on a predefined set of criteria On completion of Phase 2, the R&D providers will each deliver the End of Phase 2 deliverables requested by the Consortium, describing the performed activities and the obtained results of Phase 2, the IPR, ethics and security handling and an updated business/commercialisation plan.

The expected duration of this Phase will be 7 months including two weeks for evaluation of the Phase 2 outcomes and the participation in this stage will be comprised by a minimum of 4 contractors.

Operational Validation

At this stage at least two final solutions will be validated in diverse conditions, using the detailed scenarios and processes developed in the Verification and Validation Strategy. All the prototypes and elements of systems issued from the previous phases of the action will be documented and validated using a set of different four complementary operational field trials reflecting actual operations.

During Phase 3, a feedback mechanism will be established between the Buyers Groups and the selected contractors in order for the latter to receive requests for improvements directly from the end users.
The Public Buyers will request from the contractors an Integration Report. Also, a Field Acceptance Report related to the successful accomplishment of the validation tests in a real operational environment will be requested.

On completion of Phase 3, the contractors will deliver the End of Phase 3 deliverables requested by the Consortium. The expected duration of this Phase will be 8 months including two weeks for evaluation of the satisfactory and satisfactory completion.
will last 5 months
Phase 0
Preparatory Stage
will last 5 months
Phase 1
Solution Design
will last 7 months
Phase 2
Prototype Development
will last 8 months
Phase 3
Operational Validation
PCP News Feed

PCP News

Phase 2 Prototype Development for Unattended Items Detection Successfully Completed

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PREVENT PCP awarded at Trophées Sécurité 2023!

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Unattended Items Detection Algorithms are Ready for Testing!

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Towards a Safe and Secure Public Transport and Spaces

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Here and Now We Improve the Safety of Public Transport and Spaces

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Technologies for Public Transport Security | PCP Contractors #6

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The Open Market Consultations


The Open Market Consultations will be organised in order to validate the findings of the preparatory phase, regarding state-of-the-art viability of the set of technical and financial provisions. The scope of the OMC is to raise awareness to the industry regarding the upcoming tender to be launched and to collect insights on industry skills which can be used to fine tune the tender specifications.
More specifically, the Buyers Group through the OMC aims to:
  • Find out technologies that are commercially available and acquire information about the advantages and disadvantages and the level of coverage of the desired functionalities;
  • Validate the identified needs and solution design with the supply side;
  • Explain to the industry clearly how IPR issues will be treated;
  • Build trust between buyers and potential providers by explaining the procurement needs, the envisaged contracting setup and valuating at the same time their feedback in order to fine-tune the tender specifications that will drive to prototypes and pre-operational solutions;
  • Enable and increase the opportunities for industry to formulate consortia;
  • Identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance.
The Open Market Consultation will be mainly conducted in the form of open and oral consultations and will take place through:
  • A central event will be held on January 19th and 20th 2022 in Marseille (participants may follow the event either on site or online);
  • A series of webinars which will allow the PREVENT PCP partners to reach the most relevant segments of the market in different EU languages;
  • A written contribution in the form of a Request For Information questionnaire;
  • A Q&As document.
PCP Matching

Matchmaking Form



    What is the timeframe and timing for the tender publication?

    The OMC document mentions that the aimed publication date is June 2022.

    Is the state of the art analysis publicly available?

    It has been presented and discussed during the OMC main event (3:32:35 – Click here to watch the video). The summary is available on the OMC document and on the PREVENT PCP website under this link.

    Will you share the presentations?

    Yes, through our website, together with the recording of the webinar.

    Where can be found the RFI questionnaire?

    On the EU Survey platform. A link is available in our website and has been sent by email to all the participants to the webinars. (deadline: February 3rd 2022).

    Where can be found the list of objects to be identified by the solution developed during the PCP?

    The exhaustive list will be included in the tender documents (to be published in June 2022).

    May several employees from the same organisation provide different answers to the RFI questionnaire?

    Yes. We are expecting as many answers as possible to fine-tune our tender.

    Precision to UOG presentation.

    Members may have a role to play for the tender documents preparation and the evaluation of project results – way to improve the solution and meet more potential end-users’ needs.

    Precision to RFI questionnaire presentation.

    Deadline: 3rd February 2022.

    Is the objective to reach a TRL 8 level?

    Yes, ideally, but we know innovation may not go as quickly as we would like it to. TRL 8 is the objective at the end of Phase 3.

    Who will own the IPR on the algorithms and software elements by the end of the PCP?

    The Companies will. The public buyers will just ask a discount in case of a PPI, the ability to exploit the data gathered by the companies on the pilot sites for their own use and the ability (under agreement) to grant access to that data to third parties.

    What if the companies have problem to get an insurance for the activities implied by PREVENT PCP?

    The PREVENT PCP Consortium will support companies while they develop the solution. This support includes issues such as this one: we may support the awarded companies to find a way to be fully insured and work for us with serenity.

    Is it possible to answer the tender as a consortium?

    Yes! We shall just pay attention to the presentation of the role of each party within the consortium to understand how it should function.

    How can I get more information about the OMC event?

    If you haven’t asked for it in the registration form you filled for this meeting, you may contact the consortium by email : contact@prevent-pcp.eu

    Will the details on the infrastructures concerned by the pilot experimentation/prototype and their equipment be shared?

    Of course, in the tender documents.

    Will data be accessible during the development of the solution?

    That is an issue (regarding national legislation). The relevant partner of PREVENT PCP will ask for special authorisations, but this is not sure yet.

    Non-biometric solution have been mentioned. What is the limit for a data to be considered as biometric?

    Mainly the face recognition (prohibited in many EU member states in public areas). Identification within PREVENT PCP should then be based on non-biometric elements such as clothes, attitude (skeletal silhouette). The tender documentation shall provide a full description of the expected technologies.

    May the proposed solution be composed of several elements (cameras and other features)?

    Yes, clearly: addressing our challenge is up to the competing companies. We may just evaluate the results and costs (evaluation process will be mentioned in the tender documents). Still, if any additional features may be added, they can only be evaluated under the criteria exposed in the tender documentation and the delivered results, in order to guarantee a fair procedure.

    Is the multiple hosting (i.e. 1 company in several consortia) accepted in PREVENT PCP?

    It hasn’t been decided yet: you will have to refer to the tender documentation.

    Should we consider biometrics as usable in some very specific parts of the pilots?

    Biometrics has been explored by the SOTA as a possible answer to PREVENT PCP challenges (as the technology exists). The national law in most member states doesn’t allow the exploitation of biometrics data. That is the reason why, currently, the Prevent PCP group encourages to explore other technical solutions, as solution using biometrics may possibly not be allowed to be tested during the pilot phase of our project.

    Is there any way you can confirm the Canada is allowed country for participants to PREVENT PCP?

    Canada isn’t listed as an associated country for the Horizon 2020 programme. Still, a Canadian company can compete in our PCP if (as mentioned in the PIN) the performance of 100% of the R&D for PREVENT PCP in EU member states and/or the associated countries. Foreign companies with an establishment in one of those countries (EU27 + associated countries) may be accepted. Here is the list of associated countries: Albania, Bosnia, Faroe Islands, North Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.

    When and where will be available the webinar’s presentations?

    The presentations are available on the project website by the end of each webinar and on the YouTube channel.

    The list of participants, is it going to be available on site?

    This would disclose personal data. Still, you can contact the PREVENT PCP Consortium (contact@prevent-pcp.eu) in order to be included in a mailing list where your contact details will be accessible to all the other recipients.

    Are Italian Public Buyers able to use PCP instrument as established by the European Commission?

    PCP instrument doesn't exist in the Italian public procurement legislation, but Italian public procurers can launch a PCP based on the EU Directive.

    Will dataset be provided to technology providers to be used for their development activities?

    This is still under evaluation from a legal point of view. During phase 2, companies will be allowed to laboratory-test their prototypes in some operators’ premises.

    For each pilot, will it be possible to have all the technical requirements and specifications for the different use cases to be tested?

    Yes, all requirements will be specified in tender document.

    Where can be found the agenda for the OMC?

    It will be sent to those who registered during the week and will be annexed to the Report on the OMC (will be published on the project website).

    PCP Video Feed
