This insightful piece, authored by Antonio Landi, Francesco Capparelli, Giulia Finocchiaro, and Sofia Pini from the Istituto Italiano per la Privacy – one of the PREVENT PCP partners – delves into the effective use of anonymisation and pseudonymisation. These are crucial techniques in safeguarding personal data within the bounds of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Developed as part of the EU-funded PREVENT PCP project, the article draws on the project's innovative approaches to data protection. It discusses the latest developments and challenges in the application of key privacy-preserving techniques such as K-anonymity, L-diversity, and differential privacy. The authors share valuable insights and lessons learned from the project, emphasising the importance of robust data protection strategies in today's fast-evolving technological landscape.
We encourage you to read this publication and gain a deeper understanding of the current state and future prospects of data protection technologies.